Nonverbal Communication in Organisational Behaviour

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Introduction Nonverbal communication is the interpretation of body language, intonation and the emphasis we put on words, our facial expressions, and physical distance (Robbins, Judge, Millett, Boyle, 2011). It can mean the difference between sadness and happiness, patience and frustration, even confidence and sarcasm. Nonverbal communication can produce emotional responses that may be positive or negative. These emotional responses may be as a result of kinesics; which is body movements, proxemics; which is physical distance and paralanguage; which is verbal features such as tone of voice. This paper explores the emotional responses generated by nonverbal communication in service provision, positive and negative experiences in a classroom atmosphere formed by nonverbal cues, the physician-patient relationship and nonverbal behaviour in diagnosis and cultural differences of nonverbal communication. Practical implications of nonverbal communication include positive nonverbal behaviour in service provision, concrete training programs for physicians to develop nonverbal communication methods, clear and concise nonverbal cues in a speaker-audience environment and a understanding of nonverbal cues and behaviours. Nonverbal behaviours and intuitive responses that humans experience shape language, and language shapes nonverbal responses (LeDoux, 1995). Nonverbal Communication Communication is understood as the sharing of information through a variety of mediums to reach a mutual understanding and is fundamental in achieving organisational goals (Waddel, Jones, George, 2011). Communication can be categorised into verbal communication, which includes messages comprised of words, either written or spoken, and nonverbal are messages in facial expressions, body language and appearance

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