National Highway Transportation System: Study Guide

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Study Guide For Test #1 1. A vast network of highways, streets and roads is called the _H-T-S__ 2. The three governments that regulate the Highway Transportation System are _Federal, state, local, ___ 3. Are pedestrians parts of the Highway Transportation System? __yes_____________ 4. This Act regulates the vehicle safety features that are put into all of the automobiles. ___National traffic and motor vehicle safety act 5. This allows each state to set up its own statues and laws dealing with automobiles. __National highway safety act _________ 6. Define and Explain the P in SIPDE. _Predict- predict what hazards are ahead _____ 7. The “Leave Yourself A Way Out” principle is from the __smith system______ 8. In both the Smith System…show more content…
Automatic permission to have yourself tested for alcohol use anytime your drive is called ____implied consent________________________ 30. The Legal intoxication limit for the state of PA. an adult is __.08____________. 31. The legal intoxication limit for the state of PA for a minor is _.02_________ 32. Traffic that is traveling in the same direction on a four lane highway is separated by a __White dotted line____________________. 33. From first time that you see an exit sign on a four lane highway, it will give a ___2 mile notice_________________ notice. 34. You absolutely must stop for what in a city type atmosphere if they are on the side of the road.__pedestrians _________________ 35. Draw a shared left turn lane. ______________________________. 36. These signs control the movement of traffic, usually are white on black and shaped in a vertical rectangle __regulatory signs_________________ 37. These signs tell you what to expect ahead and the conditions on or near the roadway. ____warning signs____________________ 38. Fines are doubled if you get caught speeding in _work zones________________ 39. While in a work zone you must do what? __slow down and turn on

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