Mental Images, Concepts and Schemas.

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How can memory be improved using mental images, concepts and schemas? The aim of this essay is to explore how we can improve our memory using mental images, concepts and schemas. A structure near the centre of our brain called Hippocampus plays an important role in recalling old memories and forming new ones. There are three types of memory. Episodic memory focuses on memories of our personal past, e. g. memories from our childhood or what we had for lunch the day before. Semantic memory is a memory of facts where we use our knowledge, for example capital cities or maths skills. Last is procedural memory which is responsible for recalling processes that we already learnt such as driving a car or playing an instrument. Cognitive psychology is an area that studies thinking which is a very complicated process. Different ways of thinking are also in place. We can think in words, whether it is a conversation with an imaginary person or talking to oneself, this is called semantic thought. Iconic thought is using mental images such as pictures or scenes. Another type is called enactive thought. This is a type of thinking which explains an action and it is closely related to procedural memory. The ability to remember and create new memories seems to define our life and who we are but how can we organise all the thought and make sure they don’t turn into a complete chaos? Firstly, we can organise our thoughts by using mental images which helps us remember verbal and written information better by making mental pictures in our mind. It is very helpful to use unusual and colourful images as this helps to fix and recall the information in our mind. It is easier to forget blunt and ordinary images. Using mental images is very useful while learning a new language. The key word technique is an excellent example. It is important to make a connection between a word in

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