Bcom/275 Demonstrative Communication Paper

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Demonstrative Communication Mallory Piontek BCOM/275 May 19, 2014 Steve Boylan Introduction Everyone has heard at one time or another, that actions speak louder than words. How true is that statement? According to the Nonverbal Group, 93% of all daily communication is nonverbal. Nonverbal communication is essential to both the sender and receiver. To understand what demonstrative communication means is to know the definition. The definition of demonstrative communication is “those aspects of communication, such as gestures and facial expressions, that do not involve verbal communication but which may include nonverbal aspects of speech itself (accent, tone of voice, speed of speaking, etc).” (Dictonary.com, n.d.)To understand and implement…show more content…
Nonverbal includes the following; eye contact, touch and paralanguage. By using these nonverbal skills will help covey the interest and understanding of a message. When you are engage with eye contact will show that one is connected to the sender and the sender focused on the receiver will help direct the communication. By using touch can help a person connect emotionally to the communication. In my opinion, touch is important but should be used wisely. As mentioned before, depending on the social status of the sender and receiver, maintain space and proximity will help or deter an individual. Lastly, paralanguage is essential in how an individual decodes a message. The inflection and tone of the voice should complement the conversation and…show more content…
By using demonstrative communications will allow both the sender and receiver to concentrate on the communication instead of trying to analyze the nonverbal behavior of one another. By removing barriers and actively listening and responding will allow the message to be sent, decoded and received. When both parties are engaged in the communication, the more productive and efficient they will be. Conclusion By implementing the best practices for demonstrative communication will help an individual both professional and personally. Practice makes perfect and it will be a constant learning experience because everyone is different. Once an individual actively listens and responds it will help build and maintain relationships. References nonverbal communication. (n.d.). Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition. Retrieved May 19, 2014, from Dictionary.com website: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/nonverbal communication Cherry, K. (2014). Understanding Body Language. In About.com . Retrieved May 18, 2014, from http://psychology.about.com/od/nonverbalcommunication/ss/understanding-body-language.htm DeCastro, J. (2014). Listening & Responding Skills. In eHow. Retrieved May 18, 2014, from
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