Ideal Beauty Essay

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Modern “ideal beauty” Indoor tanning, orthodontia, liposuction, airbrushed photos, and material objects are all main aspects of beauty in today’s culture. Although modern views of beauty are different all over the globe my focus will be on America’s stereotype of “ideal beauty”. Magazines, the internet, and models all come together to form our idea of what beauty is. The media in general provides us with the answer to the question “what is beauty?” Since these publications are easily accessible it reiterates the pressure to be “beautiful”. The modern views of “ideal beauty” are based on culture, in our culture today the media is a main influence. The media influences males and females by providing an ideal image of what their bodies should look like, how they should act, and material products they should wear and be familiar with. Today’s “ideal beauty” is having a major effect on the maturing population. For example, every little girl these days, loves the “rockstar”, Hannah Montana. Hannah has sparkly clothes, long blonde hair, a nice little figure and boys like her. Because of Hannah’s “rockstar” qualities, younger girls are going to compare themselves to her because they look up to her. They are also going to try to change themselves into a superficial girl. When you look in the mirror do you like what you see? I do agree that the largest influence on teenage girls is the media. The magazines and TV effect on women pushes body image, clothes and weight. The combination of all these push teenage girls down the road to eating disorders and living a self-conscious lifestyle. Picture the world controlled by the media. What would you do if a magazine or a television show told you that your body weight had to be ten pounds lighter to be all most perfect? Mainly teenage girls will be trapped into these awful thoughts and attractions. Examples of these teenage

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