The Media and Its Effects in Our Lives

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The Media and its Effect In Our Lives. Although Virginial L. Blom and Sharlene Nagy Hasse-Biber approach the same issue body image, among teenagers and adults worldwide each author identifies a different connection between the media and Bulimia Nervosa worldwide. In her essay “Love my neighbors, hate myself: the vicissitudes of affect in cosmetic surgery.” Bloom explores how plastic surgery has changed through the years. She mentions how plastic surgery wasn’t practiced unless it was a critical and necessary procedure. Today, plastic surgery has become in high demand among males and females, teenagers in order to look their physically best. On the other hand Hassen-Biber talks about a critical illness among teenagers and adults called Bulimia Nervosa. Although the authors approach different situations among teenagers and adults in which they put their lives at risk in different ways, both authors agree that one major reason for this issue is the American media. Blum focuses on make over shows and plastic surgery. “Extreme makeover shows us people being made good-looking enough to be on television.” (pg. 804) The author believes that the high percentage rise in plastic surgery is due to the influence of American media. Blum mentions that the American twin poles are Youth and Beauty. Starting with teenagers, American media has made an impact in teenager’s target of body images and taught them to dress to impress. Young girls now have the ideal of the perfect look which that involves thinness and volume in certain areas in their body such as breasts. Many times, when this procedure is had by females, they aim at positive results not only physical (argument breasts) but also psychological (ego boost). They have the idea that this change will enable them to catch prince charming after healing from their surgery. There is an example of a male who wanted to look
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