Hypothetical Working Agreement Paper: Freydia's Case

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Hypothetical Working Agreement Paper BSHS 321 Kimberly Anderson April 26, 2012 Freydia is a twenty-seven year old mother with two kids. When she was twenty-three, Freydia and her husband were struggling with their marriage and their lives started to disintegrate from there. They could no longer afford making their car payments or paying car insurance. All of their bills were piling up, late bill after late bill, she was afraid that her and her family would then has to leave their apartment and move in with her mother to save money. Freydia’s husband could no longer take all of the disappointment and grief he gave his family, so he left without a word. After this time, Freydia’s life started unraveling uncontrollably. It has been…show more content…
For the client, there is a basic assessment of baseline functioning which helps the clients realize their targeted area that needs change. In Freydia’s case, she needs to quit using drugs in order to get her kids back. The baseline helps clients realize that goals will be set for development, contract will be made to help improvement and to stay on track and the outcomes will be evaluated. Progress will be measure consistently and this often occurs at specified intervals and certainly at the end of the contracted work together. After the end of the contracted work together, follow up evaluations are made mandatory to check up on the clients. The reason for this is to see if they are still holding up with the contracted plan of staying responsible. They are made to track success or failure which will then determine if additional sessions will be…show more content…
Evaluation should utilize a number of evaluation methods such as standardized tests and self reports which are often used by clinicians to help them monitor their clients’ efficiency of their connection. For Freydia, I would suggest that she write in a journal everyday to write her thoughts and feelings which would help monitor what is or what is not working in the
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