Explain the Principal of Psychological Perspective

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Theory Main points Explanation Behaviourism Role of Reinforcement Positive Reinforcement- Stimulate particular patterns of behaviour so actions can be repeated to get the same results. Negative Reinforcement- removing something unpleasant to increase a particular behaviour. Conditioning Classical conditioning Unconditioned stimulus- smell of food or being presented with the food Unconditional response- make you salivate Neutral stimulus- the ringing of the bell at lunch time Conditional stimulus- repeated ringing of the bell at lunch time with the smell of the food being cooked allows the conditional response to develop. Conditional response – the bell ringing at lunch time will provoke us to salivate this is known as conditional response. Classic conditioning is learning by association for example stimulus such as ringing of the bell at lunch time provoked a conditional response so we associated the bell to food. Operant conditioning- patterns of behaviour can be stimulated through positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement and punishment. Skinner Skinner carried out experiments on rats and later known as ‘Skinner box’. This box was fitted with a bar in the inside and allowed the rat to press the bar every time the rat pressed the bar the rat would be presented with a food pellet, and the pressing of the bar was recorded. The rat learnt that by pressing the bar the food would appear and began to press it to get fed. This test made it clear with positive reinforcement it can influence future behaviour in this case the rats were given positive reinforcement of food for their bar pressing behaviour it encouraged the rats to press the bar to get food so this made the rats to press the bar again and again. Skinner came to the conclusion that animals are conditioned by the response they

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