Egypt and Mesopotamia Comparitive Essay

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Comparative Essay Both Mesopotamia and Egypt between 6000- 3500 B.C.E. had similarities and differences. Both regions shared similar cultural aspects in regard to religion, writing, and literature. However, Mesopotamia and Egypt differ in regards to politics concerning structure, government, and leadership as well as social structure as it regards to gender roles, classes, and hierarchical figures. Both regions shared cultural aspects in regard to religion, writing, and literature. Both civilizations were polytheistic and their gods often had a human or animal form. They both adopted their own forms of writing. Mesopotamia used cuneiform and Egypt used hieroglyphics and demotic script. They both wrote one of the first works of literature in history. Gilgamesh came from Mesopotamia and The Book of the Dead came from Egypt. Mesopotamia and Egypt differ in regards to politics concerning structure, government, and leadership. Pharaohs ruled ancient Egyptians and kings ruled Mesopotamia. Egypt was a highly centralized bureaucracy and Mesopotamia of self-governing city-states. Mesopotamia was an empire and Egypt had kingdoms made up of villages. Both civilizations differ in social aspects in regards to gender roles, class system, and hierarchical figures. Mesopotamia had a class system while Egypt did not. Women had way more freedoms in Egypt than Mesopotamia. In Mesopotamia men owned everything in marriage and were the only ones aloud to divorce and in Egypt men could be divorced and the wife had legal rights to her property. In conclusion, both Mesopotamia and Egypt between 6000-3500 B.C.E. had similarities and differences. Both regions shared similar cultural aspects in regard to religion, writing, and literature. However, Mesopotamia and Egypt differ in regards to politics concerning structure, government, and leadership as well as social structure as it

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