Compare And Contrast Essay On Open Adoption Vs Closed Adoption

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Lavonda Otis English 102 "Open vs. Closed Adoption - Divorce & Family Law Center." Divorce, Child Custody, Child Support, Marriage, Adoption - FindLaw Family Law Center. Web. 14 Mar. 2011. Decades ago all adoptions were closed. A closed adoption means there is no contact whatsoever between the birth parents and the adoptive parents after the adoption takes place. Closed adoptions are rare but was normal in the past. Open adoptions are happening more now and it’s when the adoptive parents actually meet and stay in touch with the birth parents. "Adopting - Open versus Closed." Adopting Families. Web. 14 Mar. 2011. . Whether an adoption is closed or open is determined by what you want, what the birth mothe and birth father want,…show more content…
Evaluating your options of adoption or raising your child ("parenting") is the most important decision you will ever make in your life. This is one decision that should never be rushed. As you consider your options, remember that your circumstances will change. You probably will not always be single, not always be poor. Your parents anger will probably diminish when they see their grandbaby. Maughan, Jaceson. "Open vs. Closed Adoption - Life123." Articles and Answers about Life - Life123. Web. 09 Mar. 2011. Adoption agencies in the United States generally factor in some form of open adoption. Some of the policies in place may allow the birth mother to review profiles of eager childless couples and make a selection for her unborn child. Many agencies facilitate meetings between the two parties a few times or several times, depending on desire. Many adoptive parents are even in the delivery room with the birth mother. Some families maintain contact long after the birth, with the birth parent or parents acting as a supportive participant of the child's life. The degree of open adoption can be customized to the desires of both

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