Abortion Should Be Illegal

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Abortion - Our question is if abortion should be made illegal in society - We are not talking about cases of rape or incest; those are situations in which it was not the choice of the woman to produce a child and where it is the responsibility of society and the government to help them through the traumatic situation they will go through. - My position on the debate is that yes, abortion should be made illegal in Canada Adoption is an excellent alternative to abortion - The choice of adoption is one of the many reasons why abortion should be made illegal. There are thousands of couples waiting for a child to be made available for them to adopt because they don’t have the privilege of being able to produce a child. In 2005, close to 100,000 abortions were performed on Canadian women (according to StatsCan) while 200,000 couples were waiting to adopt (as reported by National Council on Adoption). If those abortions had not taken place, close to 100,000 couples would have received the gift of a child and many babies would have been able to live. - Not only is adoption good for those who want to adopt, but it also provides the biological mother with the choice of keeping in touch with her child and watching them grow or remain completely confidential; a choice they would not have had if they were to kill their unborn child - Unfortunately, people ignore the possibility of adoption and choose abortion instead. - Abortion is not only selfish towards those who can’t conceive but it is also murder and inhumane - Although women can have an abortion anytime during their pregnancy in Canada, they most commonly take place between weeks 4 and 8 of the pregnancy - Before I continue, I’d like to go through a timeline of the pregnancy - Within 4 – 5 weeks heart beat is developed brain is somewhat developed (nerves are visible) - 8 weeks Bones are starting to form
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