Zoroastrianism vs Buddhism

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Table of Contents BUDDHISM 3 What is Buddhism? 3 Buddhists beliefs 3 The Four Noble Truths 3 ZOROASTRIANISM 5 What is Zoroastrianism? 5 Zoroastrians belief 5 Creation of the universe 5 Renovation and judgment 6 Head covering 7 REFERENCES 8 BUDDHISM What is Buddhism? Buddhism is a religion indigenous to the Indian subcontinent that encompasses a variety of traditions, beliefs and practices largely based on teachings attributed to Siddhartha Gautama (an Indian prince), who is commonly known as the Buddha, meaning "the awakened one", began in India around the sixth century, B.C.E. The teachings of Buddhism spread throughout Central and Southeast Asia, through China, Korea, and Japan. Today, there are Buddhists all over the world. The statue of Buddha Buddhists beliefs Buddhist beliefs vary significantly across various sects and schools, but all share an admiration for the figure of the Buddha and the goal of ending suffering and the cycle of rebirth. Theravada Buddhism, prominent in Southeast Asia, is atheistic and philosophical in nature and focuses on the monastic life and meditation as means to liberation. Mahayana Buddhism, prominent in China and Japan, incorporates several deities, celestial beings, and other traditional religious elements. In Mahayana, the path to liberation may include religious ritual, devotion, meditation, or a combination of these elements. Zen, Nichiren, Tendai, and Pure Land are the major forms of Mahayana Buddhism. The Four Noble Truths The teachings on the Four Noble Truths are regarded as central to the teachings of Buddhism, and are said to provide a conceptual framework for Buddhist thought. These four truths explain the nature of Dukkha (suffering, anxiety, and dissatisfaction), its causes, and how it can be overcome. The four truths are: 1. The truth of Dukkha (suffering, anxiety,

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