Zodiac Killer Essay

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The Zodiac Killer Psychopathy is a personality or mental disorder characterized partly by antisocial behavior, a diminished capacity for remorse, and poor behavioral controls. The phenomenon of the Zodiac is amazing. There is so much belief in something there is no outcome to. This man hid in the darkness and was able to outsmart everyone in his time. He killed people of all types and yet still is unknown to us. We have evidence in the murders in the tail but nothing that gives us and answer of why? Or Who? Nothing that leaves our hunger for justice satisfied. The Zodiac is a man that must be crazy a psychopath, but at the same times a genius. Zodiac is confirmed to have murdered five people, and seriously wounded two more, he had claimed that the number was over 37 victims but never disclosed who or when for the other 30 victims. During the era when the Zodiac was out in about it was from the early 1960s -1970’s in the San Francisco, Santa Cruz, and Vallejo area. The citizens at this time were frightened; they never knew who could be the killer or when he was going to strike next. They had from someone who had survived one of the attacks, a police sketch, and details on his size and weight but nothing conclusive. The first suspected kill of the Zodiac was that On October 30, 1966, 18-year-old Cheri Jo Bates spent the evening at the campus library annex until it closed at 9:00 p.m. Neighbors reported hearing a scream around 10:30 p.m. Bates was found dead the next morning, a short distance from the library. The most interesting thing about Cheri’s death is that a month later a letter was received to the Riverside police and the Riverside Press-Enterprise, titled "The Confession". This letter gave details of the murder and at least one detail was not released publicly. The letter said “she was not the first and she will not be the last”. So the police department

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