Xac/321 Week 1 Quiz

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Exam 1 Review – FI 301-321 Fall 2014 Chapter 1  what is a surplus unit? Deficit unit? Surplus unit is that participants who receive more money than they spend, such as investors. Deficit unit is participants who spend more money than they receive, such as borrowers.  Equity vs. debt securities Debt securities represent debt incurred by the issuer. (拥有此证券代表你拥有对证券发行人的债权,发行人是你的债务人) Equity securities represent equity or ownership in the firm.(拥有此证券代表你拥有证券标的物的财产所有权)  Primary vs. Secondary markets Primary markets facilitate the issuance of new securities. Secondary markets facilitate the trading of existing securities and is liquidity.  Money vs. Capital markets Money markets facilitate the sale of short-term (one year or less)…show more content…
(Exhibit 2.7) At interest rate above i, there is a surplus of loanable funds. At interest rate below i, there is a shortage of loanable funds. When a disequilibrium situation exists, market forces should cause an adjustment in interest rates until equilibrium is achieved. If the prevailing interest rat is blow i, there will be a shortage of loanable funds. The shortage of funds will cause the interest rate to increase, resulting in two reactions: 1. More savers will enter the market to supply loanable funds because the reward (interest rate) is now higher. 2. Some potential borrowers will decide not to demand loanable funds at the higher interest rate. Factors That Affect Interest Rates: 1. Impact of economic growth on interest rates: Economic growth puts upward pressure on interest rates by shifting demand for loanable funds outward. Economic slowdown puts downward pressure on the equilibrium interest rates by shifting demand for loanable funds inward. (Exhibits 2.8 &
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