Ww1 Had the Biggest Effect on Russian Government Policies from 1855-1964. How Far Do You Agree?

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WW1 had the biggest effect on Russian Government policies from 1855-1964. How far do you agree? Alex Brader I believe that the Civil War had the biggest effect on Russian Government policies because of the change from an autocratic rule to a totalitarian rule. Tsarism was extremely resilient to the forces of change and under Lenin’s rule Labour was militarised which is a very drastic change. In contrast the Tsar weakened the Duma and a progressive bloc was formed. This suggests that the Tsar is vulnerable to revolution whereas the Communist rule is repressive and very few ever speak out against it. Economically the Civil War had the greatest impact in shaping the Russian Government policies. This is because War Communism was introduced and later fine tuned into the New Economic Policy. War Communism was radical and involved the militarisation of Labour which was disliked by the people and made people focus purely on the needs of the war. This contrasts greatly with the First World War (WW1) because the Tsar didn’t militarise Labour completely and so the demand for supplies in WW1 couldn’t be met by the factories. Starvation was nothing new in Russia and during WW1 the supplies couldn’t reach the troops on the front line and so many soldiers had little to eat. With War Communism the majority of the food would be taken from a household to feed an army and the result was that Russians starved, this time the household starved and there was little incentive to grow more. War Communism was introduced as the focus of Lenin was on the military and getting supplies to the soldiers of Russia quickly. This was attempted by Nicholas II during the Great War but because of the lack of organised transport the food was just left in limbo and both Peasants and Soldiers starved. The main reason Government policies changed during Communism was because they were not scared to reform
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