Working Parents Problems

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Every mother is a working mother, whether in formal or informal employment self employment in the home. The United Nation Economic Commission of America calculates that women carryoutupto 75 percent of all agricultural work in addition doing 95 percent of domestic work. As a result of increasing industrial more women are looking away from home in large work places such as office factories, shops and hospitals, while continuing to take the main responsibility for child care. Most of the parent’s do not give proper care for their own children. Now days children are facing many problems in the life cycle. Home the only place where all the needs of a growing child can be met. Love, affection and emotional security for a growing child are as important as food, clothing and shelter.The researcher has adopted descriptive Research design in this study to describe and the Problem faced by the children of working Parents.The universe of this study constitutes the children those who are studying at St. John’s school kattur, Trichy. The researcher collected data from fifty respondents by using purposive…show more content…
While most illness are physiological in origin. Some are psychosomatic and result from family tensions. Because of the ‘wonder drugs’ and wide spread immunization available today, children’s illness are shorter in duration and less severe than in physical defects. First, children who are sick for an extended period of time fall behind in their learning skills needed for play with their peers. As a result, they find they are misfits in the play group when they are able to rejoin it second, if parents consider the illness a family calamity and blame children for the expense and inconvenience, the illness has caused, it will make children tense and nervous. This will not only tend to prolong the illness but it will also damage parent child
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