Women: Effects Of Post-Partum Depression In Women

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Effects of Post-Partum Depression in Women Between 18-25yrs. in Urban and Rural Communities Liberty Online University Human Growth and Development – Jimmy Myers Terri L. Boyer July 4, 2012 Abstract The problem under investigation is to determine the effects of post-partum depression in women and why women that live in rural and urban communities are at a higher risk of depression and not receiving any effective intervention. Post-partum depression is a huge public health problem affecting women world-wide. The lack of mental health services and screenings by primary health care in the rural and urban communities may delay access to treatment. Most research of post-partum depression among women is of Caucasian, married women of high…show more content…
The problem for the population of women is the lack of intervention and treatment in the urban and rural community. There are multiple reasons for post-partum depression in women in rural and urban communities that vary from socioeconomics, anxiety, and lack of social support. Post-partum depression can also have effects on the children such as malnutrition, illness, developmental delay, poor growth, and poor mother-infant attachment. There have been many post-partum depression screenings and surveys done worldwide and most of the population is Caucasian, married women of high socioeconomic status, however, there is evidence to suggest that in urban and rural communities worldwide there is not enough intervention and treatment. “In a Chinese study, rural women had more depressive disorders as well as a group of women in a rural part in Mexico experienced higher rates of depressive disorders in women.” (Villegas, 2011) Many times rural residents are associated with low-income, low levels of education, lack of insurance, and poor quality of life which can contribute to the onset of psychiatric illness. As we can see post-partum depression can impact mother, infant, and…show more content…
Many Obstetrician-gynecologists state various reasons as to why they cannot assess a woman for post-partum depression, such as time constraints, lack of knowledge of diagnostic criteria, and lack of training. (Leddy, 2011) This study was also introduced to pediatricians as a facilitator to assess post-partum depression in women as they bring their children to well-baby visits. “Some pediatricians also believed that this is a great idea for different reasons, such as, child abuse and neglect, discontinuation of breastfeeding, and family dysfunction.” (Dennis, 2009) However, some pediatricians stated similar reasons as the ob-gyn, constraints of time, lack of knowledge of diagnostic criteria, and lack of training. Pediatricians acknowledge that despite a mother’s lack of knowledge, or there socioeconomic status she will take her child to appointments with the pediatrician. More pediatricians should advocate for more training in evidence based interventions and treatments for mothers with Postpartum Depression. In the state of Colorado, there is a facility called Colorado Adolescent Maternity Program that specializes in assisting mothers from the age of 12 to 21 years old and their children. The population of girls is of low-income urban community, it didn’t specify race. “At the Colorado Adolescent Maternity

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