Wolverton Mountain Research Paper

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"My Younger Days On Top Of Wolverton Mountain" On a bright and starry night, in the year of 1975, my family and I had moved to the country on top of a big hill. The bus driver used to call it "Wolverton Mountain". It was a big house setting above Interstate 77 in Pleasant City Ohio. We had lived there for many years, it was a good place to raise Children as Mama and Papa had always said. It at one time had connected to the other side of the road until the Interstate came through, then it cut the land in half. So we had the rest of the hill all to our- selves. The nearest neighbor was at least three miles away. There were places that I went to in the woods to relax when I needed to escape from the rest of my siblings, there were…show more content…
Christmas was a joyful time for all of us, being stuck up on that mountain now we know why Mama and Papa always started their Christmas shopping early. My brother Joe came home once with a turtle he had found one summer, this turtle was a giant looking turtle, and Yep Papa helped Joe make a place for his turtle in his room. Papa took three old doors that we had taken down to replace, and nailed them together forming a long cage like for Joe's turtle, which was in the middle of Joe's bedroom because Joe took in the biggest room. Well we all went out and got food for Mr. Turt. (The turtle) now Mr. Turt ate all kinds of things even hot dogs was fed to him. Well we had old Turt for the whole summer and he grew, but my brother who is like our Papa and me, we let the Mr. Turt and my Miss Liz go during the fall before winter set in, as Papa would say "to do their thing". There is more to this story, but it would take a lifetime for me to write it all maybe you will pick it up in a book one day. Wolverton was my maiden
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