The Story About a Man Who Fought the 7 Sea's

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Sometimes we move so fast, we forget to stop, breathe, and take in every single milestone. My story begins at one of the most important milestones of my life, graduation. More than just a celebration, where we gather to achieve our certificates and toss our caps into the air, graduation is a form of recognition that we have arrived. We have finally reached that stage in our lives, when we are prepared to go take our training wheels of, and venture into the world on our own. “Easier said than done” is what I always used to say, as I was raised in a typical Jordanian house where everything was provided, any issues, problems, difficulties, I could always look to my family for the support and solution. Leaving these comfortable walls I have built for myself and travelling across the world to Canada was a challenge. At first I felt confident, capable, ready for whatever life had to throw at me. I would mock my parents as they warned me of the dangers I would face. Little did I know, what was to come, would tear me apart, emotionally physically and mentally. The idea of going off to university was exciting, an adventure a waiting, and what seemed to be the best part, was my best friend Jenna was coming with me. The bond I shared with Jenna is not justified by the term “best friend,” she was my sister, a part of my family. Inseparable was an understatement. She was my second home, to the extent on her 18th birthday, my father caught us gulping down his ice cold beers on the porch, and so he sent her home. I was so furious that I ran after her and we hid in the bushes till my father left. We laughed and laughed that day till our tummies turned sore. I spent an entire month living in her house, till I reconciled with my father and returned home. Once we heard news that we had been accepted to the same University, Jenna and I were ecstatic. I can remember the feeling, rushing

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