Wipro Value Proposition

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1) What is Wipro's value proposition? How can lean help Wipro deliver better value to customers? As one of the first global software services provider with a T&M mode, Wipro had established itself with the quality of engg. services provided to a client. It make itself a superior company by its core value proposition of Focus on Core Quality Initiatives. Although this was a core value proposition that Wipro provided through its deep dive into CMM, CMMI and 6 sigma, it also paid utmost focus on the quality of engineers hired in the team. Although Wipro had worked on a lot of quality initiatives globally, by 2004, it was facing some key issues like organizational (discrepancy in quality due to different business functions), loss of competitive advantage as competitors were picking up and customer issues – lack of integration with same quality as customers previous software version were different. Lean, could help here by addressing all these issues. Lean’s solution provides benefits to outsourcing buyers. They include:      Providing great value because the outsourced supplier can complete the work more efficiently and with higher quality Giving the supplier more flexibility to craft a better solution. Some suppliers use formal outsourcing models, which limits their flexibility. Focusing the supplier’s attention on the value the customer is looking for. By working backwards from the end state of the customer’s value, the supplier is able to design the process and then drive to that value. This methodology forces the supplier to focus on the end game Describe how Wipro implemented lean thinking. How did it adapt key lean principles to its own 2) needs? How should it adapt? Wipro started its implementation slow - it started with a core group - trained them and had them train the others. Implementation of Lean began with creation of Lean productivity
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