Winter's Bone

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Winter’s Bone Boy did I love this film. What’s the purpose of a film if you don’t connect with your audience? Director Debre Granik grabbed my attention when the film first came on with an amazing song that fitted right in with setting of the movie. I’m appalled by the amount of talent in such a simple movie. Maybe it was the complexity in the characters and their strong ability to capture your attention with every word spoken. What a splendid masterpiece. Winter’s Bone will knock you out of your socks with the dramatic scenes and the intensity and emotion of the characters. Director Debra Granik choice of diction and dialog just make this film a work of art. Winter’s Bone shows how family and unity is the key to survival. Life comes with many unexpected twists and turns and 17 year old Ree Dolly will be in the heart of it all. Living poorly without a father and with a depressed mother, young Ree Dolly finds herself raising her younger sister and brother alone. When the sheriff knocks at their door, the struggle of survival gets ten times harder especially when the sheriff tell her that her father has put the house up for bond and if he doesn’t show up for court they will lose the house and the land. Ree Dolly has a very dominant personality and nothing will keep her from saving their house and land. Ree Dolly sets out on a journey to find her father and their isn’t anything that can get in her way. There is one particular scene when Ree Dolly crosses over the barb wire in search of her father then the music changes its intensity. The music changes from a soft tune to a more suspenseful tune. Director Debra Granik at that point, shifts the audience to a more serious matter. Ree Dolly finds herself in an unfamiliar territory of a town that despised her father. Persistent and not willing to take no for an answer, Ree Dolly gets a bloody beating that makes her
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