Winter Dreams Essay

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What is the significance of the title? Why do you think Fitzgerald used "winter" and not "spring" or "fall" in the title? In what ways do the seasons affect Dexter's outlook on life? “Winter Dreams” adds a depth to the story, and aids in emphasizing the theme that wealth does not equal happiness. “Winter” signifies a change; much like how the trees freeze over and the ground becomes a cold, hard, frost, Dexter’s emotions do the same. Because of his heart break, Dexter’s mood and feelings ice over and become unmovable. Dexter’s dream was to acquire “the glittering things,” like wealth and success. Judy is a “picture of passion and beauty, energy and loveliness” and without her Dexter’s dreams are no more, like how the green grass and warm sunshine flee from the oncoming winter and are taken over by snow and cold. The Minnesota winter is described by Dexter as “shut down like the white lid of a box.” Dexter’s dissatisfaction echoes this, as he yearns for the “glittering things” but is living amongst the plain. Dexter’s dreams, like the lid of a box, shut down and close. After learning of Judy’s marriage and realizing the charm and vitality he was so drawn to and inspired by is gone, his emotions vanish, and his dreams turn into memories. The green, open-spaced golf course days turn into cold, harsh, lonesome ones. Only winter can represent how Dexter’s life changed into a bitter loneliness. “Spring” or “fall” do not have the same kind of negative connotation like the winter. The seasons help to show Dexter’s change, mirroring his mental state as the story progresses, ending in the frozen cold

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