Cold Mountain Ada & Inman Reality & Religion

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Reality and Religion Ada begins to contemplate her own views of the world and rejects Monroe’s belief that the objects on earth are gifts from another world, in Frazier’s novel, Cold Mountain. She finds comfort in the predictable elements of life, such as nature’s cycles, after she sees how useless intangible items are to her, such as reading and learning languages. Thus, she denies the importance of invisible items. However, Inman, disgusted by the images of war burned into his mind, seeks refuge in the spiritual world he cannot necessarily see, much to the contrast of Ada, who now only finds comfort in concrete items. Forced to separate because of the war, Inman and Ada can no longer rely on each other to fill their voids. Inman needs to find religion on his own and Ada must experience reality before they reunite. Ultimately, Inman and Ada walk different paths to the same destination. While grazing heifers with Inman at age sixteen, a Cherokee boy named Swimmer declares that “above the blue vault of heaven there was a forest inhabited by a celestial race.…in that high land the dead spirit could be reborn” (Frazier 23). After pondering this declaration, Inman concludes that “he cannot abide by a universe composed of only that he could see, especially when it was so frequently foul. So he held to the idea of a better place, and he figured he might as well consider Cold Mountain to be the location of it as anywhere” (23). Swimmer lays the spiritual foundation Inman builds upon later in life. The day before he leaves for the war, Inman repeats this tale to his love, Ada. To him, Ada embodies all the peaceful and heavenly attributes of Cold Mountain, therefore, when the horrors of war prove too much for Inman to handle, he crawls his way back to Ada in hopes of spiritual redemption. Everyday during the civil war, Inman wakes up only to kill people for a
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