William Wordsworth The Singing

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William Wordsworth is one of the most famous British poets. William Wordsworth is an remarkable poet who helped the romantic period in English literature with passion. However, he used to be called the poet of Nature since almost of William’s poems were about the kings, knights, and heroes. On the other hand, “The Solitary Reaper” changed audience’s perspective on his work. The Solitary Reaper was a poem overfilled with feelings and passion of a man involved with mother earth. The other poet, C. K. Williams is an American poet who always pleased the audiences with a combination of romance and meaningful messages about the special subjects of the time. According to Williams, “Poetry did not find me, in the cradle, or anywhere near it: I found it,” Which C. K. Williams tries to advise that he did not plan to be a poet, but he found poetry as a way to express his daily feelings. William compared to, his competitor, C. K. Williams has a tremendous gap of time in poetry manufacturing. This gap of time has affected the style and purpose of the poems. “The Singing” and “The Solitary Reaper” have a reasonable potential to be compared. Modern poetry is different from traditional poetry. The Singing is based on current poetry, which means it includes no punctuation. It is hard for readers to take sharp focus on each stanza. Also, modern poetry includes no requirements or categories so it may develop any ideas. On the other side, Wordsworth poems are fresh in structural and using words. The poem “The Solitary Reaper” is in traditional style poetry. It is fully punctuated in ordinary sentences. Punctuations are highly effective in readers understanding, and it helps to consider a large image of the story. Moreover, these two poems were target on the different characteristics. In William’s poem “The Solitary Reaper” he is describing a woman who sings a song
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