Compare Sonnet 116 and One Other Poem

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Compare how language is used to express an opinion of love in sonnet 116 and another poem (Quickdraw) Shakespeare’s ‘Sonnet 116’ and Carol Ann Duffy’s poem ‘Quickdraw’ both talk about the relationship between two people, however they talk about them in very contrasting ways. Sonnet 116 and Quickdraw are written in different forms. Shakespeare’s poem is written in sonnet form with three quatrains and a rhyming couplet. This regular pattern shows that this is what love should be like and is normal. The use of iambic pentameter also stresses key ideas and words whilst the poem can still flow. In contrast, Quickdraw is written in free form, restricting the poem from flowing smoothly. It has been suggested that this poem could be a concrete poem as many people think it resembles the shape of a gun. The irregular form of Duffy’s poem, allows emphasis on certain words. By separating lines and starting new stanzas during mid-flow, she is able to portray a hesitance in the person’s voice. By writing in sonnet form, Shakespeare was also able to use regular external rhyme. This makes the poem feel as one and allows ideas to be linked throughout the poem. The use of para-rhyme can also be seen in Sonnet 116; ‘Love…Remove’. This gives a jarring effect, causing the words to stand out to the reader. In comparison, Quickdraw has no obvious rhyme scheme. It does however contain lots of punctuation, unlike ‘Sonnet 116’ which draws attention to key words. Enjambment is common to both poems however is used in different ways. In Sonnet 116, each quatrain is an idea, contained in a single sentence. The enjambment allows the ideas to continue, without breaking the regular rhythm. This flow of ideas allows Shakespeare to convey his positive outlook on love whereas Duffy portrays a negative view of love through her use of enjambment. This is due to phrases ending in the middle of
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