Why Was The American Revolution Important

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History 109 Juli A. Jones 10/10/12 The American Revolution The American Revolution was one of the most significant events in American history, and also what determined the success of the United States today. It resulted on the end of British rule for most of the North American colonies, a time of progress for some, and dislocation for others. Events such as ratification of the Constitution of the United States, and the proclamation of independence marked this historical event. I believe that the American Revolution was primary an economic rebellion, due to the conflicts over taxation and representation in Parliament. Colonists believed that the English government was unfair and tyrannical. The revolution began because of conflicts over…show more content…
The colonists couldn’t afford to pay many of the taxes imposed by Britain, and thought that they were unfair and unreasonable. For example, The Stamp Act taxed pretty much everything, like newspapers, bonds, leases, deeds, college diplomas, and even playing cards. Because of the colonists extremely opposition against this act, the British finally repealed it in 1766, but it didn’t take them long enough to replaced with the Declaratory Act. It stated that Britain had full authority to impose whatever taxation they wanted to. Another act that directly affected the colonist was the Quartering Act of 1765, requiring all colonists to provide provisions and housing, which could be the use of inns and empty buildings by the British troops under any circumstances. Finally Britain imposed the Tea Act of 1773, and the colonist realized that once they gained that kind of monopoly over tea, the same manipulation and dominance would begin to appear on the other commodities. All of these taxations were examples of how the colonists realized that the British needed to be stopped, or they would always have control over every…show more content…
Many American today don’t realize the importance of such a document, and how it extremely relates to way our society is organized. It’s meaning is a statement of the conditions of legitimate political authority, and proper ends of the government. It proclaimed that political rule would reside in the sovereignty of the people. If we didn’t have the declaration of independence today, our society would be much different. We shaped our life as they are today according to the principles of freedom, equality and liberty, and if we did not follow them many of us today wouldn’t have the freedom to exercise whatever religion we want, have free access to the media or even have the job the want to have. The Declaration of Independence really helped me understand how we build our society, and it truly inspires me that we once we had someone that fought for our rights, and made us become who we are today. On Independence day, and every day, Americans should remember and celebrate our rights to life, liberty, and the purist of happiness. We should also recall all those past, present, future, which pledge their lives, liberty, and sacred honor to upholding these truths. Our freedom is our every
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