Why People Should Quit Gambling

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Why People Should Quit Gambling? The act of risking the loss of something important by taking a chance without knowing the outcome is what’s known as gambling. Contrary to popular belief, gambling doesn’t just involve money and games. Have you ever crossed what looks like an empty road with a only few cars passing by every few minutes or so without looking left or right? I know I have and by doing so I am gambling my life in assuming the roads might be clear when I am crossing it. Taking a gamble is having a fifty percent chance of things going the way you would like it to. The other half percent is left to the gods to decide. In the society we live in today, gambling has become such a norm that’s it’s done it public and there are shops specifying to gamblers. Even as kids we indulge in the act of gambling, for example betting on whom can win the hot wheel race among neighbourhood kids with sweets and candies. A simple thing as to whom is right can be turned into gambling when something valuable like money is involved. Indulging in gambling is addictive and often leaves us with a rush of excitement. Games such as poker and mah-jong along with betting on sport events are acts of gambling. Gambling compulsively will cost a person more than just money but also friends and family ties. A person becomes more self-indulged in gambling than the world around them and neglect the people closes to them as they tend to spend more time and thought on gambling compared to their loved ones. The need to gamble overwhelms a person and eats them whole until the only thing on their mind is gambling. Socialising with friends and family members becomes difficult and over looked. Time spent on gambling scarify quality family time and drives a strain between families. This will cost bonds between the people we love to break and tear us apart. The broken bonds might never be fixed

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