Why Is Immigration Possible To Achieve The American Dream?

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Jordan Lee Artis English 101 Professor Gail Lighthipe July 8, 2013 As July fourth comes and goes three topics enter the minds of American: immigration, is it really possible to achieve the “American Dream”, and finally what is an American. All these topics can be answered or solved if you think about it. Immigration is a touchy, controversial subject when it comes to should it be allowed or not. This idea should be pondered upon with care, accuracy, and equality. Immigration is not a bad idea; the more immigrants, the more the country is assimilated culturally. At the same time, if we are going to allow and be accepting of immigrants for the cultural upgrade, we need to control the amount of them that enter per year. This is called balancing. This will cause us to come closer as people of a nation, but also allows us to set the ratio of immigrants to American born citizens. It keeps the country from being over run by minorities; America will still keep its race’s face. An immigration bill directly affects the journey to attaining the “American Dream”. The American Dream should be able to be attained by everyone who seeks it. The thing is it can be attained by…show more content…
Neither American nor America has been defined yet. There are many of various definitions on what “American” means. When it comes down to it American means simply to have a green card or a born citizenship. America is the ONLY country with out a set race or culture. American doesn’t mean we listen to rock, eat burgers and drink beer all day, or are of a certain color because it is not correct or accurate and we do not have the right to say otherwise. America is the most multicultural place on this planet with different customs and religious events. And that is what America is striving for: to be different. Being an American is only about being born here or getting a green card and nothing

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