Why Do Researchers Use Deception In Research

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51. I understand that many researchers think the use of deception in research is necessary because human subjects are sensitive to how others perceive them and how they perceive themselves to be. These researchers believe that this self- consciousness will lead to inaccurate research results. I, however, do not think that researchers should ever use deception when conducting research with humans simply because it is unethical. When intentionally deceiving any participant, you risk harming them because the integrity of the informed consent process is jeopardized. Participants have the right to full disclosure about the nature and purpose of the research, the procedures being used, and the expected benefits the research will provide.…show more content…
Ethical considerations play an especially important role in the research process for school counselors due to reputation, liability, and validity. As counselors, it is our responsibility to build trust and a positive rapport with our clients and to keep them safe. In order to do this, we have to abide by ethical guidelines. If we are going to engage in research, we should obtain permission (when applicable), maintain confidentiality, disclose all aspects of the research in understandable language, avoid doing anything that would cause physical or emotional harm, be mindful and aware of any personal biases, inform participants of anonymity, choose relevant subjects who will benefit the research, have research reviewed by an ethics committee, and report accurate findings. Failing to do these things could result in loss of professional reputation, a liability suit brought on by clients and/or participants in the study, and the study being…show more content…
Or, if I only gave surveys to those employees working on Monday, I would create sampling bias. STATISTIC: The satisfaction of the employees with their working conditions is the statistic. PARAMETER: The general or average level of satisfaction the employees have with their working conditions would be the parameter. 55. An instrument is valid when it measures what it intends to measure. For example, career assessments are given to students so that their interests and abilities match preferences and strengths in career choices. The assessment is valid when it truly does match the student with choices of compatible careers. An instrument is reliable when it yields the same results on repeated measures. For example, a teacher might use Test/Retest to estimate reliability. That is, he or she would give students the instrument at two separate times, compute the correlation between the two tests, and conclude that there is no change in what is being measured. A teacher might also use internal consistency to estimate reliability by grouping items in the instrument that measure the same

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