Why Did Julius Caesar Want To Die Essay

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Julius Caesar at one point and time in history was the dictator of Rome. Caesar was a power hungry man who wanted to have complete control of Rome. In addition to being power hungry, Julius was a man who had the people believing that he actually cared about the well being of Rome and what was best for it, but he truly did not care about Rome. All he cared about was himself and the image of how people preserved him. He was also an arrogant man who was very full of himself. He didn’t listen to anyone and thought he was always right. Caesar deserved to be killed. One reason Caesar deserved to die was because he was too ambitious and very power hungry. An example of him being too power hungry was his desire to be Rome’s dictator for life. This shows he wanted to be the only one in control and wanted all the power to himself and didn’t want to share it with any individual. Another example is how he wanted to be like Alexandar the Great and conquer countries and have lots of power. In essence, this means his idol was a man of great power and a man who was famous for conquering countries and land. An idol like this means Caesar did not have good thoughts, and all he wanted was power and wanted people to bow down to him. Julius spent his time working towards gaining power and becoming dictator of Rome (A&E…show more content…
He wanted what was best for himself and his image. He demonstrates this by giving the poor people of Rome money just to get them on his side and so he could gain power and work towards becoming king. He didn’t care about Rome; it was all about gaining power and ranking in the social standings. Caesar worked hard to convince the people he cared, when in reality he didn’t care about the people of Rome at all, he just wanted the position of king and wanted to be like Alexandar the Great (A&E

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