Why Did George Killed Lennie

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I think there are a few issue you could address in your revision of this essay. 1. Try writing an introduction. It should include the name of the novella, the name of the author, a little bit of general information about the novella, or about something related to the aspect of the work that you are interested in (such as Steinbeck’s cheerful disposition--just kidding) and, then, crucially, a thesis. A thesis is a statement of what you intend to argue in your essay. Sometimes theses begin like this “In this essay, I argue that Of Mice and Men is [insert something interesting and arguable about the novella here].” You can use that template or instead approach the problem of writing a thesis more obliquely. But write a thesis. That will help you realise what you arguing in your essay. Realising what you are arguing will help you focus on that argument. 2. In your essay, you don’t consistently focus on your argument. Perhaps everything you say could be used to support your argument, but you don’t actually use everything you say to support your argument. This is the second thing you should change in your essay. Your reader will not be reading your essay to find out what happens in Of Mice and Men. If your reader wants to find out what happens, she or he will probably read the story. Your reader is reading your essay to find out what your argument about that story is. So you need to focus on articulating the argument. That does not mean should avoid summary altogether. It does mean that you should refer primarily to those parts of the story that you intend to analyse with a view to making and supporting your argument. So refer to some part of the story, quote some part of the story, and then ask yourself, What can I say about this that will help me make my argument compelling? 3. Your basic argument is that George was right to kill Lennie because he wanted in

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