Why Can't One Approach Explain All Human Behaviour

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The aim of this essay is to define why one approach to psychology cannot explain the concept of all human behaviour. There are many approaches to psychology and this essay is focussing on 4 of them, the behaviourist approach, the psychodynamic approach, the biological approach and social learning theory. These approaches will be explained in terms of similarities and differences between the perspectives, the type of data used and whether evidence supports or contradicts the perspectives. The main assumption of the behaviourist perspective is that all behaviour is learned and shaped by the environment. Two important learning theories proposed by the behaviourist approach are operant conditioning and classical conditioning. Classical conditioning you learn to associate two stimuli when they occur together, such that the response originally generated by one stimulus which is transferred to another. The person learns to produce an existing response to a new stimulus. For example, Little Albert (Watson & Rayner1920) was conditioned to respond with anxiety to the stimulus of a white rat. This was achieved by pairing the rat with a loud noise that already made Albert anxious. The anxiety that Albert portrayed was transferred to the rat because it was presented together with the noise. The response also generalised to other stimuli that resembled the rat, including a rabbit and a fur coat. Over time, conditioned responses like these gradually diminish in a process called extinction (Sammons 2010). Operant conditioning which was studied by B.F Skinner, this is where people learn to perform new behaviours through the consequences of the things they do. If the behaviour is followed by reinforcement then there is a good possibility of the behaviour being repeated in the future because the behaviour has strengthened. The consequences are not only positive reinforcement where
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