Why Boys Don’t Play with Dolls

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Coursework Writing 1 – Why Boys Don’t Play With Dolls The article, Why Boys Don’t Play With Dolls (Pollitt,2010,p.183) includes about the cause and effect of why boys play the role of being macho and strong, and the girls take the role of beauty and politeness. The author of the article, Katha Pollitt (born October 14, 1949), is an American famous feminist poet and essayist. In this article, Pollitt claims that males and females’ personalities and behaviors are surely derived from social conditions. Being a girl and being a boy are getting symbolized more and more while the time goes by. Boys usually grow up playing with action figures and sports while girls spend their time playing house or dressing up. Moreover, toys such as Barbie are for girls. Starting from childhood for a girl, Barbie, with long blonde hair and thin body, she represents sexiness, beauty, and stylishness. Fitting into their role, women would go through dieting to gain society’s ideal body structure of a woman. On the other hand, as for boys, their mothers would prefer that sons get involved in sport games rather than what is believe to be girls stuff, such baking or reading. All in all, Pollitt (2010, p.185) supports her main claim very well, and her statement is an actual fact, that “Kids aren’t born religious, or polite, or kind, or able to remember where they put their sneakers.” Totally agreeing with her, kids’ behaviors and the values behind them are mainly influences from adults around them from “morning till night.” In my opinion, I think that the sex roles today are absolutely based on society’s influences. For example, if one goes to a children store he will see that there’s a section for boys and section for girls, grouped by the obvious way that sex roles are stereotyped. The boys’ section would have guys’ toys such as, action figures, sports car, and toy

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