Who We Are Today

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Bethany Venable Instructor McFarland English 102 – Section D21 September 19, 2012 Who We Are Today Developing and realizing who you are in this world can take many different obstacles and life changing events to finally realize the person you are. Reflecting back on my life and your own life, Idgie, we can say we are prime examples of this statement. We have both overcome some major life changing deaths, sexist racism, and violence. Idgie, you are yourself and have proven that in your trials and tribulations throughout your life. You are a fierce, young woman who is free-spirited and reminds me of myself at times. Changing drastically into the “new Delia” I am today was not the easiest nor was it painless, but I have developed who I am today in the world we live in. The turning in my own life came from a death as well in your life; death took major role in the development of making you the woman you have become. I live in a small all-black Florida town near Orlando. I enjoy my job as a washwoman for the white social economy, which I have been washing clothes for the whites for years. With the opportunity to work has allowed me to pay for my lovely home. I even work on Sundays, which was a problem for my husband, but to provide sufficient service to the whites the work had to be done. I married my late husband, Sykes Jones, fifteen years ago. I loved him dearly, at the same time hated him. Just as I told him at dinner one night, “Ah hates you. Sykes, … Ah hates you tuh de same degree dat Ah useter love yuh” (703). According to the men on the porch of Joe Clarke’s store, I was once young pretty woman. As you can now see I am not that young pretty woman. The years of physical and verbal abuse from Sykes has turned me into a thin, overworked woman with sagging shoulders. Well of course age had a little to do with the physical changes. The night he placed the
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