The ruling class also have the power to prevent the introduction of laws that would threaten their interests. Thus, for example, there are few laws that seriously challenge the unequal distribution of wealth. Laureen Snider argues that the capitalist state is reluctant to pass laws that regulate the activities of businesses or threaten their profitability which is why the crime statistics show the working class to be the largest perpetrators of crime. Selective enforcement is another Marxist view on crime and social
There is a large profit that can result from drug trafficking, which could be one of the reasons behind the crime not always being viewed under a zero tolerance policy. The global crimes that have become some of the largest issues previously mentioned always make the implication that some sort of organized crime has occurred or is occurring. A problem that arises when organized crimes occur is that there are often “crooked” police officers who handle the law unfairly among certain suspects or criminals. Another issue in drug trafficking is that sometimes, groups of organized crimes all link to a business or business people. One other issue for drug and human trafficking crimes is border security and safety.
It is difficult to hold prosecutors accountable for acts of misconduct. Since prosecutors are often viewed as the “good guys” by the public, many times unethical, as well as illegal acts will be tolerated by the courts and criminal justice system as a whole. Prosecutorial misconduct is considered any action taken by the prosecutor in a criminal case that is against the law and/or unethical. Prosecutorial evidence can be anything from harassing witnesses on the stand, pressing unfounded charges against defendants, tampering with evidence, withholding evidence, up to taking bribes. Prosecutors can sometimes get away with misconduct as it is extremely difficult to prove that misconduct had actually taken place.
White-collar individuals are usually already wealthy people who commit crime without getting their hands dirty. These types of criminals use their intelligent minds to embezzle money and get away with it. Corporations do not know that such criminals are apart of their staff. White-collar criminals are usually “well respected in their communities and take part in national affairs” (Schmalleger, 2008). Martha Stewart a businesswoman who is known for her quick tips in making peoples homes a better more stylish place was convicted of lying to investigators about a stock sale
In other crime types once the intent is created it is followed by the execution of the act. The intent and act is not misinterpreted. In contrast, due to the element of disguise in white-collar crime the intent is blurred and frequently can only be obtained by interpretation. (Stephen Rosoff, 2010) White-collar criminals can only be successful if the victim is ignorant and negligent. Key differences between white-collar crime and other types of crime is that white-collar crime generally requires the victim to comply in being victimized in contrast to murder, robbery, assault or rape.
The second layer consists of “high-profile” or serious felonies such as murder, rape, or burglary. In this layer the person who committed the crime usually has a criminal past such as a criminal history including serious injury to a person or the use of a weapon when the crime occurred. This layer of the wedding cake model uses the standard procedures of the criminal justice system as the cases are not considered as a celebrated case. However, cases in this second layer have a less likely chance of being released on bail.
The representation of law enforcers in CSI is a positive one. Due to its use of countertypes, The Wire shows a more diverse ensemble; there are African American detectives which are not shown on CSI, detectives using bad language that is often related to uneducated people, and even a white police with a black American accent. With contrast to CSI where divisions between police and criminals are clearly seen, a scene on The Wire where McNulty is talking casually side by side with a witness, there is no clear
Running head: CRIMINAL DEFENSE Criminal Defense University of Phoenix When an individual is charged with a crime, the individual has the right to defend her or himself with the best legal defense and representation available. Criminal defense lawyers represent ordinary individual charged with any violation of the law. There are numerous criminal defenses that are used. Criminal defenses range and vary depending on the crime that the individual is being charged. Many have heard of the insanity defense and self defense being used, but the use of gay panic defense and urban survival syndrome are not used as often by criminal defense lawyers.
Finally, and most importantly, the nature of white collar statutes often cedes vast discretion to prosecutors. Many of these statutes are at once broad and vague. This problem sometimes arises because many white collar crimes encompass economic regulations that some believe are best left to civil enforcement. Indeed, the United States Supreme Court has noted the difficulty in distinguishing criminal acts from those that fall within the “gray zone of socially acceptable and economically justifiable business conduct.” The phenomenon of extending the criminal law to areas for which it may not be suited is referred to as “overcriminalization.” Because many white collar statutes are broad and vague, the task of defining the particular crime falls in the first
Edna Salinas Mr. Clark Owen English 1301.07 February 2, 2015 Illegal Immigration Crime There is an ongoing debate in today’s world about whether immigration is helpful or detrimental to a country. Some claim illegal immigrants should be treated as criminals because illegal activity should be punished not rewarded. While others claim being out of status is not a criminal offense. The United States welcomes and accepts more legal immigrants as permanent residents than the rest of the world combined. For some, the use of the term illegal alien is likely based on a misconception that an immigrant’s very presence in the United States is a criminal violation of the law (Briney).