Where Are You Going Where Have You Been Essay

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Whether they are opposing to God or to their parents dealing with rebellious teenager is very difficult. Your sweet, innocent, cute child is not a child any more. They become this monster that you don’t recognize. Because of all the changes they go through teenagers are frustrated, excited, energetic and most importantly irritated by adults. It is like the body and the brain growth are not on the same page yet. Body growth is way ahead from the brain. Growing taller, prettier or more handsome is “Big deal.” They don’t need an advice or being told what to do, because they know everything! The story, “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?”, is based on a true story in the late 80’s. It is about a serial killer who killed women for his pleasure. In the story, Connie is a fifteen year old teenager. She is rebellious to her parents and she is trying to act like an older woman when she is with her friends and out of the house. She fools around with boys around the town. Even though she tries to act like older woman, she is a typical teenager. Her thoughts and…show more content…
Well it isn’t really. Teenagers, especially teenager girls are like a big zit on your forehead. It will hurt until it goes away. Sometimes you have to pop it to feel better. Sometimes you have to fight with your teenager to get it out of both of your systems even though it might get emotional. My middle child who is going to be nineteen on March 30th said couple of weeks ago; all she wants say is “No” to everything I say. She told me this, right on my face. It was openly and bluntly. Even though I kind of knew it, I was still shocked and I was and am hopeless. Why? It is just like in the story, “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? “ Connie acted rebellion to her mother. Everything her mother said was wrong. Instead of paying attention to her mother’s advice, she chose to do the things she

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