What Was the Historical Role of Feminism?

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Before understanding what the feminism means and what kind of role it has in the world history it is important to clarify definite aspects of its development and then find out the influence it made on nowadays society. «Feminism is a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights for women» («Feminism», n.d.). In a broad sense it is women’s aspiration towards equality with men in all spheres of society. In a narrow sense it is women’s movement, which has a goal to eliminate discrimination against them. First demands for equality were put forward by women during the War of Independence in the United States. Abigail Smith Adams was considered to be the first American woman, fighting for women’s significance in society. She is very famous thanks to her phrase (1776): «We are not going to obey the laws in the adoption of which we did not participate, and the government that does not represent our interests» («Feminism», n.d.). Feminists and historians identified three stages in the development of the women’s movement. Second half of 19th century is the period when organized women’s feministmovement started. In 1848, the Declaration, which raised important issues such as women’s equality in the rights of property, marriage and free choice of profession was adopted. Partly it was a great merit of Elizabeth Stanton. In 1860, after an appeal by Elizabeth Stanton, the Legislature of New York accepted the act, which guaranteed any woman the right to leave money she earned and equal right to share custody of the children with her husband. feminism_is_evilA well-known Emmeline Pankhurst was one of the founders of the movement for women’s right to vote in elections (to have a suffrage). That is why the first «wave» of women’s fighting for their freedom is called «suffrage

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