What Makes Us Happy?

1019 Words5 Pages
Sean Olson
Modern Political Thought
Dr. Brint

What Makes Us Happy?

Since the beginning of man, humans have altered and attempted to perfect a formula for life. The way us westerners generally live our lives is completely different from other more old-fashioned takes on living. However, whether a weterner or not, every man and woman on the face of earth’s goal is the same. That is to be happy. The problem with happiness is it is extremely hard to define and to recognize when it truly comes your way. Thomas Hobbes argues that when people get what they want, they are happy. But is this is true, or is there more to the mystery of happiness? Attaining objects of our desire is surely something that can make us happy, but I don’t agree that we are eternally happy once we have attained these objects. This is because most of the objects us westerners desire are, well, material objects. Take an American child born and raised in a relatively wealthy family for instance. Come christmas time, assuming his or her family celebrates the holiday, this child is going to have a lengthy christmas list full of objects of desire he or she wishes to get from santa. Now, once christmas comes, assuming this kid is at least a bit spoiled, he or she will get at least a few objects on that list. The child will be happy the moment he sees his desired object peek out of the wrapping paper. And sure, the child will enjoy playing with the object for a fair amount of time. Only until the day comes when the child sees the new commercial for the new Nintendo Double Screen. Now the child is no longer happy until he attains this new object of desire. Until next christmas time, the child is going to be unhappy because he will see the amount of kids on the school bus whose mothers gave in and purchased the new Nintendo for their little one before the next christmas came. Sounds silly,

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