What Makes Someone an American.

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Americas are very patriotic people. A lot of people take pride in being from the United States of America, because we have so much freedom. Believing in your natural rights, having pride in your country, and rightfully knowing all your rights and understanding them. Being an American is not just living in the country, but being able to love it, contribute to it and willing to call yourself an American. Being able to be proud of the country that your from is great, but being able to understand the constitution and the bill of rights is even better. Knowing that you have freedom of speech, living with your own religion, and being able to have the option to do whatever you dream is something you sound have pride in. People should be happy that they're able to pick there own job that they want to have and have freedom of there decisions. A person can get closer to America by knowing the beliefs, important dates in history and contributing to the country. Not only is a person contributing by working, but also students who attend school every day and learn more. They’re preparing themselves for the future so they can help out America. A person becomes American because they choose to be one. They love what we stand for, and they are willing to renounce any loyalties to all other foreign governments in order to become an American. When someone is confident enough to say that they are an American and are proud is a great thing. You don't have to be born in America to be American. People can be immagrants but get citizenship in America and be proud to be American, so they would call themself an American. As you can see, it doesn't matter if your originally from America or immagrated from there as long as you have pride and are proud of your country you are an American. Understand there laws,

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