What Makes Advertising Effective

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What Makes Advertising Effective? Advertising and Media in the Marketing EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The objective of the advertising is to transmit a message to the target market through a brand. It begins with a source that encodes a message, then the message is presented through channels of communication, and it is decoded by the receiver (Moriarty et al, 2009). In the next pages, trying to explain what makes advertising effective, I will focus in: * How the consumer behaviour and its culture influence in the advertising. * Which media channels use in order to make the advertisement more effective. * How the Brand can make the advertising effective. INTRODUCTION Patsioura, F. et al (2009) define advertising as the capability to promote products, services and the company with the use of information and media. Advertising is everywhere. Never a day passes without some kind of advertising message impinging on human activity. There are very few places left on planet earth where we are able to scape its ubiquitous presence. Adverts hit us every conceivable way, from every imaginable position and every possible angle (Wright, 2000). So we can say that advertising is an essential part of the marketing and also indispensable for the correct work of the economy. This is why an effective advertising specialist must have a broad understanding of the whole marketing process in order to know what type of advertising to use in a given situation (Shaffer, 2009). In this part of the report I will focus in how group involvements and memberships influence our actions as consumers (Schiffman and Lazar, 2007). Consumer behaviour can be defined as the study of the processes involved when people select, purchase, use, or dispose of products, services, ideas or experiences to satisfy needs and desires (Mooij, 2007). The consumer not only

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