What Makes a Successful Company

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What makes a successful company? The purpose of this essay that I am writing is to identify how a business company is sucessful and what are some characteristics of a good business that makes them successful on the markets. There are many things that contribute to making a company successful, such as starting the business in the right place, at the right time, smart and innovative ideas, and a good working strategy, brilliant planning, evaluating and instituting effective short term and long term goals, or for some businesses it may be just plain luck. Some businesses become successful over night, some may grow and mature with time, and others may never get off the ground. No one in the business world has a formula for success that will work for every type of business or for every individual. Anyway, it should be understood that the basic element of a good business is that it is derived from a good management or managers that run businesses throughout the world. That it is mostly true since businesses are run by individuals known as managers that perform specific functions, such as manufacturing and production, finance and accounting, sales and marketing, and human resources departments. Identifying a good business is not an easy job; an understanding of Managerial Economics is needed in order to gain the social science discipline that combines the ecomics theory like tools, techniques of analysis and concepts, and known business practices to make good managerial decisions. Most of the successful businesses in the world mostly seem to thrive on good management/employee relations. Both the company and the employees benefit. The company provides the employment opportunities and the compensation for getting the job done and the employees provide the skills, the dedication, productivity, and the goodwill to keep the business running smoothly and being

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