What Is the ‘Big Bang’ Theory? What Evidence Does This Theory Rest Upon and What Do You See as the Most Significant Problems Facing the Big Bang Theory?

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What is the ‘Big Bang’ theory? What evidence does this theory rest upon and what do you see as the most significant problems facing the Big Bang theory? The Big Bang theory is one of the most widely acclaimed origin stories; however, it continues to face significant problems and brings up questionable implications. The theory states that an inconceivably atom-sized shape appeared and “as it appeared, it began to create space, time, matter, and energy”. Phase changes began as this shape began to expand and cool, resulting in the formation of different types of energy: gravity, electromagnetism, and the ‘strong’ and ‘weak’ nuclear forces. This ball of mass continued to expand and matter and energy became more stable, resulting in elements such as helium, hydrogen, and lithium. These phase changes continued until new complexities were reached, pushing the universe towards the next thresholds. Thus the Big Bang theory is widely accepted as it examines the various stages of creation. There is much evidence behind the Big Bang theory, but it continues to face various challenges. Ultimately, this theory was proved by Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson in 1964. The radio telescope they built detected the background energy which Robert Dicke believed was released by the Big Bang. This theory is also supported by the evidence that the universe has a history – which is not implied by the Steady State hypothesis. Due to today’s advanced technology, “the most powerful modern telescopes can detect objects billions of light-years from Earth”. Therefore, it proves that the early universe had been more crowded and different from the present universe. Although this theory has such evidence behind it, one major doubt arises: in a world ruled by the second law of thermodynamics, how is it possible to generate such complexity – as the tendency of the universe is to go from order to

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