What Is The Acceptance Of Thanksgiving Day In Colonial America?

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Van Thang Notes * In September of 1620, a group of Pilgrims said good-bye to England and set sail for a new life in America. (Harshman, Terry Webb) *the Pilgrims were fleeing from religious persecution in their native England *The Pilgrims left England in two ships: the Speedwell and the Mayflower. But the Speedwell started to leak and was finally declared unseaworthy. Many of its passengers boarded the Mayflower. It was very crowded. There were 102 passengers and 2 dogs, plus chickens, goats, and hogs. (Harshman, Terry Webb) * In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national Thanksgiving Day to be held each November. *In 1621, the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians shared an autumn harvest feast that…show more content…
They invited the local Indian chief and some of the Indians. *in this country, however, Thanksgiving Day has become a national holiday, celebrating a heritage of peace and plenty even when the celebrants are eating their turkey on some foreign battlefront. (Thompson, Elizabeth) *Through the efforts of Sarah Josepha Hale, and later Abraham Lincoln, Thanksgiving became a holiday of the Union, with limited acceptance in the Southern states. (Pleck, Elizabeth) * To Lincoln, Thanksgiving was the time for a grateful nation to praise God for blessings bestowed, for the many years of "peace and prosperity," for the growth in national wealth, power, and population, "as no other nation has ever grown." (Pleck, Elizabeth) * The myth versus reality approach turns the study of the shifting cultural significance of a holiday important to American civil religion into a mini-version of Trivial Pursuit. (Pleck, Elizabeth H) Pleck, Elizabeth H Pleck, Elizabeth H *When pilgrims and settlers set forth for the New World, they were inspired and motivated by hopes and dreams, some material and many spiritual. (Fields, Suzanne, and SPECIAL T,

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