What Is Hate?

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Organizations formed in order to hate on specific groups of people are just not right. People should not be hated because of their skin color or because of their traditions and beliefs. These are things we cannot help and even if we could why be hated or hate because of it? Clans such as the IKA and KKK should be completely outlawed. They have no constructive purpose whatsoever. On the contrary, what they do is incite violence and make people think that it's okay to hate a race of people. These groups blame a specific race for problems going on with the economy, innocent people that have no fault at all. They do such thing because they feel minority groups are superior and they feel superior simply because they are of the white race and of…show more content…
Currently there are multiple different clans. The two mentioned the most throughout the video were the Southern Alliance and the IKA (Imperial Klans of America). Neo-Nazis (skin heads) were also briefly mentioned throughout the movie. Currently one of the big issues going on is the slowed economy; because of this the Southern Alliance and the IKA have both focused their hate on Latinos. They blame Latinos for ruining the economy, Latinos are their specific scapegoats, someone to blame whether it is their fault or not. Back in the day they concentrated their hate on the Black race, don't get me wrong, they are still hated by the clan but the focus has passed on to Latinos. As we saw in the video, the Southern Alliance talked about the millions of dollars Mexican immigrants send back to their country. What they don't want to realize is that it was hard earned and worked for money and that far from ruining the economy Latino immigrants do the economy a big and needed…show more content…
The Southern Alliance opposes clans that have ties to the Neo-Nazis. The IKA, during their clan rituals, light a big cross and also a swastika. The Southern Alliance strongly opposes the use of swastikas, in their cleansing ceremonies only a big cross is lit. The Southern Alliance tries to stay away from the violent image, they do their best to be seen more so as a political movement rather than a violent group such as the IKA. The Southern Alliance's intention is to follow the traditional KKK's stand, to try and be seen as a political group that wants to preserve conservative ideas and

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