What Is Biodiversity

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What is biodiversity? Why is diversity of life forms important? Describe the major consequences to life on Earth from a loss of diversity. Biodiversity is the various organisms that make up a community in an ecosystem. Taxonomy takes the organisms or species and names and organizes or categorizes them into broader and broader groups based on the species DNA. Bacteria, Archae and Eukarya make up the three Domains. These domains are divided into five Kingdoms. Bacteria and Archae are two separate braches of the kingdom although they both have prokaryotic cells their DNA proves them very different. Domain Eukarya consists of the other three kingdoms, which includes Plantae, Fungi, and Animalia. For example, species are a specific group such as the spider monkey yet they then fall into the Kingdom Animalia, which is then categorized into the Eukarya Domain. When we look deeper, it is evident that diversity of life forms is important because everything is interconnected. If we consider that the spider monkey spends most of it’s time swinging from tree to tree. Trees provide shelter as well as a food source. Monkeys depends on berries, fruits, nuts, and leaves for nutrition. They are also known carriers of bacteria. The fungi kingdom looks forward to the monkeys feces to break down into nutrients in the soil to feed themselves and plants including the tree. Plants and trees are taking in carbon dioxide and giving up oxygen. Mean while the monkey is then breathing in the oxygen and giving up carbon dioxide. All life forms depend on this continuous cycle for survival. Once this process is understood, we recognize the importance for diversity. Some major consequences to life on earth arise from loss of diversity through technology. Although technology is good in some ways is also comes at a cost. Technology has allowed humans to live longer

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