What Do Mrs. Mallard, Eveline, and Emily All Have in Common?

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Danielle Bell English Composition November 11, 2012 Essay #1 Draft 2 What do Mrs. Mallard, Eveline, and Emily all have in common? According to the dictionary, the word “trapped” means to “place in a restricted position.” (www.Merriam-Webster.com). That definition would insinuate that their “attackers” are their enemy. Now, what happens when the very person that is supposed to love them and be there for them the most traps them? Now many overlook the fact that being trapped is not only a physical action, and many argue that a person can’t be emotionally trapped. Personally, I feel as though a person can be trapped emotionally and it causes emotional distress. That’s what Mrs. Mallard, Eveline, and Emily all had in common, the men in their lives all emotionally trapped them. Mrs. Mallard was trapped in a loveless marriage and Eveline and Emily were both trapped by the behaviors or their fathers, all which caused different effects on each of the ladies. Mrs. Mallard was married in a time when divorce was never an option. In 1894, women were married off at a young age and had no say so in the matter. When news rang out that there was an accident and that a man in whom they thought was her husband was killed, Mrs. Mallard had a very abnormal reaction. Where most women would be overcome with grief at the news of her husband dying, Mrs. Mallard was surprisingly content and borderline happy to hear the news of what she thought was her husband’s death. “When she abandoned herself a little whispered word escaped her slightly parted Bell 2 lips. She said it over and over under her breath: “free, free, free!”“ (Chopin, www.vcu.edu). How could a wife feel a sense of freedom after hearing that her husband had died? A woman that was stuck in a loveless marriage, Mrs. Mallard was with a man that showed her no love or affection. “…The face that had never

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