What Did Christopher Columbus Express Himself

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Running head: Christopher Columbus Abstract Christopher Columbus set sail in search of new land. He was in search for riches to return to his Majesty. He wrote descriptive letters of his new experiences. He wrote about feelings and turmoil that went on during his journey. He described the land and the people. He had feelings of gratitude and feelings of sadness. He knew was born to do this voyage. God played a big part of this journey and was a great leader for Christopher Columbus. In 1492 Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Christopher Columbus set sail to find new land and to back riches for his high Majesty. His voyage had many experiences and challenges. Christopher Columbus was a smart brave man. He handled all situations with pride and faith. He wrote about his journey with great description and feeling. What did Christopher Columbus see and what did he think about it? How did he express himself? When Christopher Columbus saw new Indians or new people he was grateful and cautious at the same time. He wrote about the people; the way they dressed and the way they lived. He described the area with feeling. He wrote about the beauty of the land, the mountains, birds and the plants. He described the weather. He wrote about the way the people cooked their food and why they ate meat and spiced there food. Christopher Columbus used great description.…show more content…
This is what we were told about him in elementary school. Reading his descriptive letters introduced a new Christopher Columbus. Christopher Columbus was a man of God. He took a journey to new land with hope of returning with riches and proof of new land. He left his son to fulfill a dream. He saw things and described what he saw with great expression and feeling. He went through turmoil and didn’t give up. God was the light, the reason for his voyage. I can do everything through him who gives me strength. Phil

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