What Caused America’s Rapid Territorial Expansion

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America’s rapid territorial expansion can be seen to of been effected by a variety of factors. Whilst some historians choose to argue that it was due to the belief that unexplored areas of the West held riches, others argue that it was due to the goal of establishing communications and transport from the east coast to the west, as seen by the Louisiana Purchase. However arguably the most key factor that led to the territorial expansion of the west can be seen as being President Polk’s actions in gaining territories such as Texas and California from Mexico. The general belief that in the unexplored, unknown lands to the west there lay wealth and riches lead to many settlers seeking opportunity in the lands west of the coast. This quest for resources pushed settlers further and further west into lands previously unsettled. Furthermore this push west by miners, farmers and explorers lead to small communities being established around those seeking wealth. This is seen no better than with Virginia, originally based around a group of mines exploited by early pioneers. This expansion can be seen to of only ben helped by the cheap land offered out west in an effort to migrate towards the west coast. Thus it can be see that through the goal of the early American pioneers to gain natural resources many settlers were pushed further west and thus expanded America towards the west coast rapidly. However it must be acknowledged that the establishment of the intercontinental roads such as the Cumberland Road aided industries such as farming and in particular the cattle frontier massively. Therefore it must be seen that without such means of transportation attempts to settle the west would have been near impossible. Transportation from one side of America to the other undoubtedly was a massive goal for the American government, as it would establish a more economically

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