What Are The Arguments Against Student Searches Persuasive Essay

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Dear Editor, Imagine that you are walking into school when all of a sudden the principal announces that there will be a random locker search taking place for some of the students, and one of those students happens to be you. Not only will a staff member/administrator be able to look through everything in your locker and backpack, your iPod and cell phone will be confiscated as well due to the fact that those items are causing distractions in the classroom. Your principal argues that these random searches are to create a safer, more secure, and unassailable environment, but to some students, the searches may mean something different. This would be the equivalent for an adult walking into work and all of a sudden having someone look through all the items in your office and bags. Random searches against students are wrong because valuable time and money is consumed while conducting the searches, they can create tension between students and teachers, and it violates a student’s privacy. In order for…show more content…
Each day, 100,000 students bring a gun to school, and another 160,000 students cut class because they fear physical harm (National Education Association). Those numbers may seem alarming, and so it is understandable as to why searches would be conducted to try and reduce these numbers. Also the controversy of whether a student’s fourth amendment right is being violated leans toward the administrator’s side. Schools do not need a warrant to be able to search lockers since the lockers technically belong to the school, and as long as there is reasonable suspicion, the searches are legal (Surveillance in Schools) (Constitutional Conflicts). Whether random searching is legal or not, it does not change the fact that students still feel violated of their privacy

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