What Are Some Reasons for Rural People to Move to Big Cities?

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Topic: What are some reasons for rural people to move to big cities? It is undeniable that the number of people who emigrate from remote areas to big cities is more and more increasing. In fact, there are many reasons that lead to this phenomenon, and I believe the following are the three main ones. The first and most obvious reason is that living in a city will offer people more job opportunities. Since we are living in the time of industrialization, jobs related to agriculture, the almost only kind of job in the countryside, have been gradually eliminated. Therefore, countrymen seem to be out of their traditional work, and it is no longer impossible for them to remain in their hometown. As a result, in order to well support themselves and their families, they are forced to move to big cities, where they could possibly find jobs and have better lives. A further explanation is that life in a metropolis will definitely provide us with many interesting places for social activities, such as restaurants, theaters, museums and community events. These are things that cannot be found in the countryside. In addition, public spaces should be also taken into consideration. They include parks, plazas, downtown areas, etc. These places attract people thanks to various appealing activities they offer. Consequently, those who wish to get rid of their monotonous and humdrum lives choose to settle in a city. The last reason to mention is that living in a big city will ensure people good health care services. It goes without saying that big hospitals with high-quality medical techniques and routine check-up systems do not exist in rural areas. Thus, those who live far from big cities cannot achieve good health care, especially in an emergency. As a matter of fact, many people from remote regions have died owing to the lack of appropriate remedial treatments. That is why
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